Nature, the Environment in Kiche language

nature in Kiche language, Environment in Kiche language, Lake, Fire, Earth, Volcano, Forest, Stone, Wood, Sand, Sea, World, Tree.

Nature, the Environment in Kiche language
Photo by Federico Respini / Unsplash
No. english Kiche
1 Lake, lagoon Cho
2 Plain, Plain Li’anik
3 Mountain Juyub’
4 Volcano, Hill Hill Ixkanul
5 Land Ulew
6 Forest K’ache’laj
7 Stone Ab’aj
8 Wood Che’
9 Lime Chun
10 Sand Sanyeb’
11 Sea Plo
12 Cold Water Ja’joron
13 Hill, Mountain Juyub’
14 Valley Lianik
15 World Uwächulew
16 Mud Xaq’o’l
17 Ice Yel
18 Iron Ch’ich’
19 Precious Metal Je’lalaj Ab’aj
20 Obsidian Chay
21 Willow Saq’os
23 Dust Poqolaj, Ulew,
24 Tree Che’
25 Badger K’im
26 Chichicaste La
27 Landslide Ul
28 Waterfall Utixixb’al Ja’
29 Ravine Siwan
30 Cave Pek
31 River Nima’, (B’inel Ja’)
32 Stream Q’ateb’al Ja’
33 Cypress K’isis
34 Cedar Rax Che’
35 Ceiba Inup
36 Pine, Ocote Chaj
37 Branch Uq’ab’che’
38 Leaf Xaq
39 Stem Raqan
Trunk K´Utam
40 Roots Rab´
41 Corn Ixim
42 Wheat Triko
43 Maguey, Stinger Ki
44 Sugar Cane Ajij
45 Cotton Met
46 Bean, Coffee Nugget Ub’aq’ Kape
47 Seed Ija’
48 Cocoa Bean, Cocoa Nugget Ub’aq’ Peq
49 Flower Kotz’i’j
50 Seed Ub’aq’
51 Husk Rij
52 Firewood Si’
53 Charcoal Rachaq Q’aq’
54 Ash Chaj
55 Fire Q’aq’
56 Herbs Ichaj
57 Thorn, Needle K’ix
58 Grass, Grassland, Grass Q’ayes
59 Field, plain Taq’aj