Traductor K'iche' - Español

Si estás pensando aprender el Idioma KICHE , le presento el lugar correcto para seguir conociendo este hermoso lenguaje que se habla en Guatemala, partes de Mexico y Mucha gente en los Estados Unidos.

Aqui en este sitio puedes aprender, y en el traductor en KICHE usted encontrar informacion muy util del idioma KICHE. Tienes contenido en español e ingles y poco a poco estamos poniendo mas contenido util de este Idioma, asi usted tendra más recursos para conocer este idioma maya.

Traslator English - Kiche language

If you are thinking of learning the KICHE Language, I present to you the right place to continue learning about this beautiful language that is spoken in Guatemala, parts of Mexico and many people in the United States.

Here on this site you can learn, and in the KICHE translator you will find very useful information on the KICHE language. You have content in Spanish and English and little by little we are putting more useful content in this language, so you will have more resources to learn this Mayan language.

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Join our Telegram channel and receive all the content, videos, books, etc. Totally free and instantly All Indigenous languages ​​on your phone.

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